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    BOY MEETS GIRL® BLOG — breast cancer awareness

    New Launch: BOY MEETS GIRL® x Strawberry Shortcake® x StickerBeans!

    BOY MEETS GIRL® x PinkCans4Cancer

    BOY MEETS GIRL® x PinkCans4Cancer



    Blog Features:

    Amri Kibbler

    Denise Albert

    Mercedes Wilson

    Alina Pimkina Mehrle

    Jamie Pleva Nickerson

    Christine Hardy

    Kyla Rayne Phillips



    This collection is dedicated to our dear friend Kristen Martinez 1974-2010. Together BOY MEETS GIRL® founder Stacy Igel & PinkCans4Cancer co-founder William Anthony Dean are coming together to honor Kristen. “We met over a decade ago when Stacy along with Kristen were co-chairing the In Living Pink Gala under the Young Survival Coalition for Breast Cancer. We instantly became friends and had a mutual love for our friend Kristen. A decade later we came together to honor Kristen’s legacy and continue to advocate to help survivors of cancer.” Check out the latest article in Insider about this collaboration here.

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Entrepreneur & Journalist Denise Albert

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Entrepreneur & Journalist Denise Albert


    "I'm an entrepreneur and journalist. I am the co-founder of and I'm now a second time founder, and launching - a health and wellness tech platform to support and help cancer patients and their families."

    Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work? 

    "I think everyone's "balance" or "all" is different.  Balance for me, may not work for you. Balance for me one day, may not work for me another day. Because I'm divorced, I have always felt that I have balance because my kids go to their dad 1 night a week (sometimes 2) and every other weekend. So the nights they are with me, I am fully focused on them, and the nights they are with their dad, I'm fully focused on me! So I feel like I have the best balance!"

    Name another mom who inspires you? Why?

    "YOU (Stacy Igel)! Seriously. I always say you are one of my favorite people I don't know enough and I mean It. I have followed you on social media for years and you inspire me with your support of other mom entrepreneurs, and as I have learned more about you, it's truly amazing what you have built, continue to build and do it all while supporting important causes and other moms and entrepreneurs."

    Some days are tough, what's a quote that keeps you going? 

    "Many days are tough but I truly believe those days make you stronger. My mom recently said to me, after hearing bad news about a close family members cancer diagnosis, "Denise, you're always so strong.  Maybe you don't always have to be." But that doesn't occur to me. I truly believe when things are tough, to find ways to find the positives and keep going. When I was going through a tough and aggressive cancer journey and treatment, I always planned fun things and adventures to look forward to. It got me through it. It hurts me more to support others going through tough times. I'm dealing with that now and trying to be strong but it was easier for me to get through tough times for myself than others. I guess I know how awful it can be and don't want others to experience what I have been through."

    #ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you?

    "My kids are my everything. My kids have been through so much at such a young age. Divorce, remarriage that wasn't easy for them (but good now), a sick parent etc...and of course a pandemic, so my kids have been through everything and are thriving. They have such love in their life and are so resilient and wise and empathetic that I truly believe they are better for all the tough times and will become such stars in whatever they do. They inspire me every day and I know they also do that for their peers and every one around them. I'm so proud."

    Ask your child/Children, what is their favorite thing about their mom? 

    Jaylan, 13 - "Mom is supportive loving and will always help us with anything and everything possible."

    Jaron, 17 - "She understands the mistakes we may make."

    What's your pump-up song for starting your day? 

    "Classic rock and anything other than rap :). My older son Jaron is an artist, so I also love to listen to his songs!"

    Drop some organizations you are passionate about that gives back to women and/or momma's around the world. 

    "I'm very involved in a lot for cancer non-profits, as a survivor.  American Cancer Society, Susan G Komen and so many others like Unite 4 Her, Wigs for Wishes.  I'm a sucker for non-profits and anyone who reaches out, especially with a cancer connection will get me!!!!"