BOY MEET GIRL A/W15 Campaign
#Weare about...#connections,
#collaborations, and our #stories. We might rub shoulders with you on the #subway or a #summer #concert. We might #dance with you in the rain. We might ask you for directions navigating our way through #NewYorkCity and scribble your answers on a #napkin. We might
all have the same #coffee place where the man at the counter knows the order without even uttering a word - you’ve been coming to this #coffeeshop every morning for 2 years.
Boy Meets Girl #®...what a limitless story that
beginning can create. Maybe romance, a new #friend, and more often than not, a small moment shared that only lasts a few seconds, maybe minutes, but #inspires so many more. We create #fashion rooted from these connections. Fashion and #collaborations that stem
from the interesting people we meet, the experiences we share, and the aspirations we strive for.
A young contemporary brand for our girl... she’s
#fun and #fearless, #wild yet #modest, #strong but #soft. She loves with her entire soul, and #lives #life with wonder,#courage, and #enthusiasm. Always on the go, her #style must be easy and #effortless, functional and #stunning. She doesn’t always have time for a morning bedroom fashion show, but she always has time for #style - enters...#BoyMeetsGirl.