Glitter moments come & go. How do you push through the difficult times?
"When I'm going through difficult times, I remind myself of all the hardships I've been through before. I'm quite young but a lot has happened in a short amount of time for me. And I've persevered. I always tell myself if I've got through what I have so far. There's nothing that I cannot bounce back from."
What is your key to success, your “grit”?
"My hardworking nature. I am the queen of procrastination, if given the chance. But over the last year or so I feel I've really focused in on what I want to achieve in life and I've been going above and beyond to make these things happen. I write down everything I want to achieve, big or small and being able to tick things off a list as the day goes on really makes me feel like I've got my life together."
Work hard, play hard. How do you balance work & play?
"I'm quite boring. I tend to spend a lot of time at home because chilling is my favorite thing to do. When I'm trying to find the perfect balance and I've spent a lot of time in the week getting as much work done as possible, I will spend evenings with my boyfriend, relaxing. On the on occasion I go out, I go hard because it's not a common occurrence for me!"
Who is someone that makes you “sparkle?”
"Once again mentioning the boyf. I truly have not met anyone else (who isn't in my immediate family) who is so supportive of me and my aspirations. From taking time to proofread my essays and blog posts and then helping me take blog photos on freezing cold days(he took the pictures for this post!). The support I receive from him is unending."