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    BOY MEETS GIRL® BLOG — give back

    New Launch: BOY MEETS GIRL® x Strawberry Shortcake® x StickerBeans!

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Merchandising Strategist Anosha Lewis

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Merchandising Strategist Anosha Lewis

    Tell us a little about you! 

    "I am a born and bred New Yorker. I am the daughter of Indian immigrant parents who tried their best raising me & my brother in this crazy city — 40 years later I find myself doing the same with my kids. Each day is filled with varying emotions –worry/fear/anxiety balanced with awe/wonder/amazement that they are now part of the fabric of NYC and vice versa."

    What do you do?

    "I work for Madison Square Garden.   I lead the merchandising strategy for their Christmas Spectacular Show Starring the Radio City Rockettes.  More recently, my husband Mark shot a documentary on the grim NYC pandemic shutdown, called Outside In which also featured my family.  It is making its rounds in a few film festivals and will be showcased at the Producer’s Club on May 16th at 7pm."  

    Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work? 

    "This is a trick question. At work, to-do lists keep me sane.  At home with family, to-do lists are generally thrown out the window.  Fortunately, my current work environment is filled with women at different stages in their life and career, usually with their own struggles in balancing work and family life.  They are incredibly supportive of familial duties and don’t hold family responsibilities against you. Sounds logical?  Unfortunately, I have been in working environments where this was not the case. It makes you appreciate the added level of support even more!"

    Name another mom who inspires you? Why? 

    "At this stage of my life, there are many inspirational moms in my circle of family & friends - with their own daily struggles doing the best they can and giving it their all each day. I can’t list one – but I can list 50 easily."

    #ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you? 

    "My kids are still very young and full of imagination!  By nature, I am a logical thinker more data driven than creative.  Being around them forces me to think different.  I relish their imagination & creativity.  Santa Claus, Leprechauns, Easter Bunnies, Tooth Fairies…we will be keeping these alive in our household for as long as possible!"

    What’s your pump-up song for starting your day? 

    "Depends on the day.  Most weekdays, it is just the morning routine playing in my head. On running days, it is The White Stripe’s ‘Seven Army Nation’. On weekends it is Preservation Hall Jazz Band. However, I am currently on a prolonged Hamilton soundtrack kick."

    Drop some organizations you are passionate about that gives back to women and/or momma's around the world. 

    "Concern, Doctor’s Without Borders."


    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Founder & CEO of Dana's Bakery Dana Pollack

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Founder & CEO of Dana's Bakery Dana Pollack


    "Mom wife CEO and founder of Dana’s Bakery."

    Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work?   

    "I get asked this question a lot and after many many years of trying to balance I have come to the realization that balance does not exist! In regards to this topic balance should just be self understanding and forgiveness because you never know what life is going to bring. Each day is different and demands different things. Some days I’m on point when it comes to my kids the next day I’m totally consumed by work other days it’s a mix of both and everything in between. I think we are all just doing the best that we can and as long as we are doing that we are doing a pretty damn good job."

    Name another mom who inspires you? Why? 

    "All moms inspire me, bring a MOM is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs there can be. I I rely on my friends when I need them and it goes both ways it’s so important to have that support system. Now that I have two girls of my own I think about my mother often and everything just makes so much more sense now! I have so much more understanding and respect for all that she did for us and all that she continues to do. It’s a deeper level of understanding and appreciation that I don’t think I could ever have if I wasn’t now a mother myself!"

    Some days are tough, what's a quote that keeps you going? 

    "Not necessarily a quote, but “Give zero fucks” has always been one of my favorites mottos. It fuels me to get after it."

    #ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you?

    "After having my girls, I take much better care of myself. I can only be good for them if I am in a good place and I want to be around as long as I possibly can to experience life together."

    What's your pump-up song for starting your day?

    "Used to be anything in the heavy metal / rock a d roll genre. These days it’s KidzBop or we don’t talk about Bruno (Encanto)."

    Drop some organizations you are passionate about that gives back to women and/or momma's around the world.

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Entrepreneur & Journalist Denise Albert

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Entrepreneur & Journalist Denise Albert


    "I'm an entrepreneur and journalist. I am the co-founder of and I'm now a second time founder, and launching - a health and wellness tech platform to support and help cancer patients and their families."

    Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work? 

    "I think everyone's "balance" or "all" is different.  Balance for me, may not work for you. Balance for me one day, may not work for me another day. Because I'm divorced, I have always felt that I have balance because my kids go to their dad 1 night a week (sometimes 2) and every other weekend. So the nights they are with me, I am fully focused on them, and the nights they are with their dad, I'm fully focused on me! So I feel like I have the best balance!"

    Name another mom who inspires you? Why?

    "YOU (Stacy Igel)! Seriously. I always say you are one of my favorite people I don't know enough and I mean It. I have followed you on social media for years and you inspire me with your support of other mom entrepreneurs, and as I have learned more about you, it's truly amazing what you have built, continue to build and do it all while supporting important causes and other moms and entrepreneurs."

    Some days are tough, what's a quote that keeps you going? 

    "Many days are tough but I truly believe those days make you stronger. My mom recently said to me, after hearing bad news about a close family members cancer diagnosis, "Denise, you're always so strong.  Maybe you don't always have to be." But that doesn't occur to me. I truly believe when things are tough, to find ways to find the positives and keep going. When I was going through a tough and aggressive cancer journey and treatment, I always planned fun things and adventures to look forward to. It got me through it. It hurts me more to support others going through tough times. I'm dealing with that now and trying to be strong but it was easier for me to get through tough times for myself than others. I guess I know how awful it can be and don't want others to experience what I have been through."

    #ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you?

    "My kids are my everything. My kids have been through so much at such a young age. Divorce, remarriage that wasn't easy for them (but good now), a sick parent etc...and of course a pandemic, so my kids have been through everything and are thriving. They have such love in their life and are so resilient and wise and empathetic that I truly believe they are better for all the tough times and will become such stars in whatever they do. They inspire me every day and I know they also do that for their peers and every one around them. I'm so proud."

    Ask your child/Children, what is their favorite thing about their mom? 

    Jaylan, 13 - "Mom is supportive loving and will always help us with anything and everything possible."

    Jaron, 17 - "She understands the mistakes we may make."

    What's your pump-up song for starting your day? 

    "Classic rock and anything other than rap :). My older son Jaron is an artist, so I also love to listen to his songs!"

    Drop some organizations you are passionate about that gives back to women and/or momma's around the world. 

    "I'm very involved in a lot for cancer non-profits, as a survivor.  American Cancer Society, Susan G Komen and so many others like Unite 4 Her, Wigs for Wishes.  I'm a sucker for non-profits and anyone who reaches out, especially with a cancer connection will get me!!!!"

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Journalist Michelle Park

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with Journalist Michelle Park

    Tell us a little about you!

    "I'm a mom of 2 littles and a lover of food."



    Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work?

    "The truth is, I don't. But, like all working moms out there, I try my best. It definitely takes a village."

    Name another mom who inspires you? Why?

    "I'm inspired by so many moms and so it’s difficult for me to choose just one. Let me put it like this: I have mom-friends out there who are so on top of their family’s schedules and routines – and I become instantly inspired by how they’re able to maintain that level of organization and structure. I also have mom-friends who run global companies and accomplish major career milestones while also being able to dedicate time to their families, and so I get inspired by them. Then, I have mom friends who are so connected with their kids, who spend the time and the energy to understand and learn about them, and I'm inspired. There's no shortage of these moms and when I see any of them, it inspires me to be a better mom."

    Some days are tough, what's a quote that keeps you going?

    "Ninjas never quit." - my 6 year old daughter

    #ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you?

    "My kids are two of the most interesting and confident people I've ever met. They push me to learn and think about things in a new light. Most importantly, they force me to be present in the current moment."

    Ask your child/children, what is their favorite thing about their mom? 

    "I love when my mom plays games with me." - E, 3 yrs old

    What's your pump-up song for starting your day?

    "Currently, I meditate on the Core App to get pumped up!"

    Drop some organizations you are passionate about that gives back to women and/or momma's around the world.

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with our Founder & Creative Director Stacy Igel

    #ChangeMakerMoms: Q&A with our Founder & Creative Director Stacy Igel

    Tell us a little about you! 

    "I am a mom of a 7 ½-year-old who is growing way too fast :( I am the Founder & CCO of BOY MEETS GIRL® And I am currently writing my memoir/business book under Harper Collins. The pub date is March 2023! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

    Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work? 

    “Covid changed my perspective on it all. I do not think there is a defined word for balance in my world but I have found how to compartmentalize work from family and friend time. I have accepted that I am doing my best and that is all I can do.”

    Name another mom who inspires you? Why?

    “My Mama but also my Sister who is a Mom and all the other Moms I know who have had to find a way to cope during a global pandemic. I am in awe of the Moms who are nurses and doctors and what they have done for our world during covid. They showed up to help others even if they had children at home. They are our heroes."

    Some days are tough, what's a quote that keeps you going? 

    “I wrote a song during rough times which I have shared on my social. The start of it goes “I woke up this morning and got out of bed. I looked at the sun and I looked ahead. I believe in you if you believe in me. Together we will see.”

    #ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you?

    “Dylan asks me questions that make me think even more. He is like a sponge wanting to know all about the world. I am inspired by his thirst to learn. I am also inspired by his wanting to succeed in everything he does and do the best he can do.”

    What's your pump-up song for starting your day? 

    “Most recent (as my songs always change) is a song from the movie Coda. It is originally by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell. This version is by Emilia Jones & Ferida Walsh-Peelo.”

    Drop some organizations you are passionate about that give back to women and/or momma's around the world. 

    Some incredible organizations run by momma’s … Mama Said, Hey Mama’s, The Mom’s Network, NYC Moms for a Cause, In Kind Boxes and so many more.

    All About "THE GIVE BACK EDIT:" Curated by Stacy Igel & Small Business Owners

    All About "THE GIVE BACK EDIT:" Curated by Stacy Igel & Small Business Owners

    A year ago we all were hit with the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is unfortunately still around us today (we are praying for a brighter future, please continue to wear a mask)!

    Everyone around the world had to scramble and change their working environments and their lives. We curated another group of BOY MEETS GIRL® goodies to celebrate you, and give back to communities at the same time. 

    Welcome to THE GIVE BACK EDIT, which is in support of Center on HalstedYouth Over GunsThe Black Coalition for AIDS PreventionGathering for Justice, & the National School Climate Center's BullyBust program. Shop all available items in the collection here or below.

    Collaborators include Mermaid Waves, Cre8ive Crayonz, and Dylan Reid Igel.