Let's Talk About Voting: Autumn Greco
Will you be voting by mail or in-person, if so why?
"I’ll be voting by mail to reduce density in-person and keep greater community safe. If you decide to vote in-person, be sure to social distance and wear a mask!"
Why do you VOTE?
"I vote to take a stand and show support for candidates who will best represent me and my community. By voting, we acknowledge past activists who have enabled these rights and continue fighting for what matters to us."
Why is it important for others to know to VOTE?
"It’s important to know what’s at stake this election and how we can have a say in that process. There’s a lot of misinformation circling right now so we have to ensure everyone’s vote is counted in time."
What would you say to someone that says, “My vote doesn’t count?”
"If everyone thought of themselves as the vote that didn’t count, we wouldn’t have change. Change starts with one-person, and exponentially results in a movement. By voting, we are making a statement and encouraging others to do the same."
How are you letting others know about voting, voter registration, and more?

"I discuss these topics online and off! I try to share helpful information I find online with my communities. It’s not too late to register in some states and to request an absentee ballot. Checking your registration takes minutes! I’m discussing these topics with family members who might not be plugged into social media and aren’t seeing reminders online."
How do you think you can use your voice to make a difference in society?
"I begin by reading and learning about issues before I speak up. By having more context, I can be a better advocate and share resources to those who might not have come across this information. Your voice isn’t limited to a single platform. Speaking up in all spaces, big or small, makes a difference."
Do you believe the youth can make a difference when it comes to voting?