"I am inspired by creativity, doing things other people won’t. I am inspired by brands designing products that shine light, a positive message to influence society and make the world a better, more equality driven one."
Causes you advocate for?
"I advocate for many causes, such as equality (as a human everyone should), female empowerment (giving them the tools necessary to be who they are designed to be) as well as migrants and immigrants to our country. They should be treated as a fellow human and not be denied due to the color of their skin or where they are from. Social justice is also very important to me, going hand in hand with the equality message."
Favorite place to be creative?
"My favorite place to be creative is usually in my room, a space where I can unwind and listen to music, giving time for creativity to flow."
What do you love about the state you live in?
"I live in Texas. I really like the ability to share perspectives, many people from Texas are from elsewhere and by having this, we are able to have meaningful conversations that spark cultural differences as well as things we all have in common as human beings. I am grateful."