"I am a supermodel, beauty and wellness writer, a wife and mother."
Balance is key. How do you stay organized between family & work?
"Honestly, I don’t. I accept that nothing will ever be perfect. My motto, when it comes to organization is: 'Do less. Do it things better and enjoy them more.' Multi-tasking is really overrated."
Name another mom who inspires you? Why?
"My mom is my number one all time inspiration. She had a quiet power that invaded everyone’s lives in the best possible way - she saw the INDIVIDUAL zin each of her kids and freed us to do our best."
Some days are tough, what's a quote that keeps you going?
"Me and my family are healthy fed and there’s a roof over our heads."
#ChangeMakerMoms make #FutureBoss kids - how does your child inspire you?
"They don’t quit."
Ask your child/children, what is their favorite thing about their mom?
“Mom can put up with a whole lot of crap and still love us and not stay mad.” - Orpheus Robb, 17
What's your pump-up song for starting your day?
"Got a Whole Lotta Love Led Zep!"
Drop some organizations you are passionate about that gives back to women and/or momma's around the world.
"Cares Mentoring founded by Susan Taylor the former editor of Essence Magazine."