Let's Talk About Voting: Maria Daou & Future Voter, Ava LaBorde
Will you be voting by mail or in-person, if so why?
MD - "I am voting in person this year because I can."
Why do you VOTE?
MD - "I vote because I want my voice heard and it is my civic duty. If you don't vote I don't think you should have the right to complain. It doesn't always go your way but at least you put your voice out there."
Why is it important for others to know to VOTE?
MD & AD - "What would you say to someone that says, 'My vote doesn’t count?' If everyone actually voted we would have true representation. Everyone should vote!"
How are you letting others know about voting, voter registration, and more?
MD & AD - "One way is by doing this campaign."
How do you think you can use your voice to make a difference in society?
MD - "By advocating for candidates and issues that I believe strongly in."
Do you believe the youth can make a difference when it comes to voting?
MD - "Yes, I can't wait until my 3 daughters can vote. I believe their generation will bring about the biggest social changes in the history of this country because they truly accept one another."
What causes are you the most passionate about when it comes to voting?
MD & AD - "Social justice and climate justice."
Feature: Maria Daou & Ava LaBorde
Photography Credit: Bennett Raglin
Creative Direction + Styling: Stacy Igel
BOY MEETS GIRL® is continuing our mission to promote and encourage POWER TO THE POLLS with designs selected by the WOMEN’S MARCH YOUTH EMPOWER members. This collection is in support of WOMEN'S MARCH & VOTO LATINO. Previously, these items were in support of WOMEN’S MARCH YOUTH EMPOWER & VOTO LATINO.
We are proud to partner with & support Fashion Our Future 2020. Together we are working to pledge to dedicate our platform, time, and resources to support their mission of making sure everyone is registered to vote.
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